pentru Ioncica :)

Frumoasa revedere! Scurta si la obiect… M-am bucurat sa te vad… a fost juma’ de ora ca pe vremuri, cand eram copchii prosti si fara griji esentiale. In plus ai starnit iar in mine “dorul” de a lucra in cercetare. Credeam ca e mort si ingropat…

Viata nu e chiar asa cum ne-o dorim…INCA. Dar stiu ca va fi. Asa ca “tu fata”, capu’ sus! Si curaj! You can do it!!!

Ne vedem in Lyon dragule!!

cu dedicatie :)

“In each tear
there’s a lesson

Makes you wiser than before

Makes you stronger than you know

In each tear

Brings you closer to your dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak
Can take away what your meant to be...

You're much more than a struggle that you go through
You're not defined by your pain, so let it go...
You’re not a victim, you're more like a winner
And you’re not in defeat, you're more like a queen”

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